Normally lost and loving it don't go together, but this Friday night you might find that they do for you, for a little while, because we are going to go get lost in an amazing maze cut out of a corn field, and it's a little bit of a challenge to find your way out considering you will be doing it in the dark. (You do get to use a flashlight, though.)
The farm is only about 15 minutes from campus and it only costs $6, or $5 if you bring your student ID.
It's a lot of fun, so bring your flashlight and student ID and meet us at the campus house at 6pm Friday. And be sure to wear some boots or something like that. After all, this is a cornfield we're talking about. Corn does grow in dirt, you know, so your shoes will get some dirt on them, and it is a little bumpy from where the plows have been, and the corn stalks on the ground and stuff. It all adds to the effect and makes it more fun. Can you tell I've been there before?
Anyway, bring some friends with you, and if you have any extra flashlights to share, bring those, too, please.
Don't forget: 6pm Friday at CCVT's campus house -- we'll carpool from there.
Hope you can make it.
If you need directions to our campus house, probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps. You'll see that our campus house is only about a block away from most of the dorms on campus, over by the Washington Street tennis courts. It's much closer than most of your classes!
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
We make followers of Jesus and help his followers grow

Christ’s Church at Virginia Tech campus ministry
is a non-denominational Christian community of students who:
--believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
--believe the Bible is the infallible Word of the one and only true God, and therefore embrace it as our first & final authority for faith & practice as it contains all the truth needed for salvation and living in Christ. (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12)
--strive to put our faith in action, to keep growing in our knowledge and love for God, and to transform our world by living as Jesus lived. (James 2:14-26, Colossians 1:9-12, Romans 12:1-2)
--believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
--believe the Bible is the infallible Word of the one and only true God, and therefore embrace it as our first & final authority for faith & practice as it contains all the truth needed for salvation and living in Christ. (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12)
--strive to put our faith in action, to keep growing in our knowledge and love for God, and to transform our world by living as Jesus lived. (James 2:14-26, Colossians 1:9-12, Romans 12:1-2)
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." -- Isaiah 40:8
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Know Your Enemy
"Know your enemy." Have you ever heard that proverbial saying? It is a well known saying that holds a lot of truth in it. If an army is going into battle, they had better know their enemy well enough to know what to expect them to do, so that they can be prepared to counteract it. In sports, a team needs to know what the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent are so that they can defend against their strengths and exploit their weaknesses.
The spiritual realm is no different in this respect. Satan is our enemy who seeks to destroy us. He knows what our weaknesses are and takes full advantage of them. The questions is, do we know his strengths and weaknesses? Do we know how to defend against his attacks, and counterattack him?
Tonight at Oasis we'll be taking a look at what strategies Satan uses to defeat us, and how we can defend against his attacks and even fight back.
It all starts at 7:30pm tonight (and every Wednesday during the semester) at CCVT's campus house (directions below).
Hope to see you soon,
Directions to CCVT's campus house: If you need directions to our campus house, probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps. You'll see that our campus house is only about a block away from most of the dorms on campus, over by the Washington Street tennis courts. It's much closer than most of your classes!
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
The spiritual realm is no different in this respect. Satan is our enemy who seeks to destroy us. He knows what our weaknesses are and takes full advantage of them. The questions is, do we know his strengths and weaknesses? Do we know how to defend against his attacks, and counterattack him?
Tonight at Oasis we'll be taking a look at what strategies Satan uses to defeat us, and how we can defend against his attacks and even fight back.
It all starts at 7:30pm tonight (and every Wednesday during the semester) at CCVT's campus house (directions below).
Hope to see you soon,
Directions to CCVT's campus house: If you need directions to our campus house, probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps. You'll see that our campus house is only about a block away from most of the dorms on campus, over by the Washington Street tennis courts. It's much closer than most of your classes!
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Football Party -- VT vs. Georgia Tech
Do you love watching football? Do you love eating delicious food while you watch football? Do you love eating delicious food while watching other people watch football, because you really don't like watching football, but you like hanging out with friends? If any of these is true of you, then you should come join us this Saturday night to watch the VT vs. Georgia Tech football game.
It starts at 6pm this Saturday and we are going to watch it on our 84 inch screen at our campus house. A bunch of us are pitching in to bring all kinds of traditional football party snack food to share and we need your help eating it. Feel free to bring some food to share, or just bring yourself and a friend. We'll have plenty of food so don't feel like you have to bring anything to come.
We're hoping to meet some new people besides enjoying the game with old friends, so please come whether you are a fixture at CCVT or coming for the first time. Maybe this is your first year at Tech and you are just now adjusting to classes and a new campus enough to feel ready to leave your homework behind for a few hours and kickback and relax and checkout our campus ministry.
At any rate, CCVT's student leaders who planned this party are really hoping you'll join us this Saturday at 6pm at our campus house. I am too.
Remember, our campus house is right on the edge of campus by most of the dorms, over by the Washington Street tennis courts -- probably closer than most of your classes if you live on campus. If you need directions, probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps.
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
See you 6pm Saturday.
It starts at 6pm this Saturday and we are going to watch it on our 84 inch screen at our campus house. A bunch of us are pitching in to bring all kinds of traditional football party snack food to share and we need your help eating it. Feel free to bring some food to share, or just bring yourself and a friend. We'll have plenty of food so don't feel like you have to bring anything to come.
We're hoping to meet some new people besides enjoying the game with old friends, so please come whether you are a fixture at CCVT or coming for the first time. Maybe this is your first year at Tech and you are just now adjusting to classes and a new campus enough to feel ready to leave your homework behind for a few hours and kickback and relax and checkout our campus ministry.
At any rate, CCVT's student leaders who planned this party are really hoping you'll join us this Saturday at 6pm at our campus house. I am too.
Remember, our campus house is right on the edge of campus by most of the dorms, over by the Washington Street tennis courts -- probably closer than most of your classes if you live on campus. If you need directions, probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps.
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
See you 6pm Saturday.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Beautiful Views and Great Food
Beautiful views and great food is what we have planned for Friday afternoon this week. Since Friday is Fall Break and you don't have any classes, but you are probably not going home for the weekend because you have tickets to the Boston College game Saturday (does this sound like you?), because of all that, Friday afternoon is the perfect time for a hiking trip we've been wanting to take for a while.
Here's the plan: We meet at the campus house at Noon and carpool to Dragon's Tooth trail about 30 minutes from here. We take about 1 1/2 hours to hike up the trail to the top where these huge white limestone slabs of rock are sticking straight up out of the ground about 40 feet into the air. They really do look like huge dragon teeth. You can climb around on them if you are careful, which is really fun. The view is fantastic -- miles and miles in many directions, especially this time of year, of course. We usually spend about a half hour climbing around on the rocks up there at the top and enjoying the view before heading back down the trail.
The hike is not too hard and not too easy. It's just right. You don't have to be in great shape -- it's only about a 3 hour hike round trip -- but it's not just some level, boring trail either. You are hiking up a mountain and you are going to be rewarded with a mountain top experience once you get there.
By the time we finish hiking back down the mountain you will have built up a big appetite. Perfect, because we are going to drive about 5 minutes over to The Homeplace restaurant and eat our money's worth of all-you-can-eat delicious homemade food served family style. That means they bring out a big platter of fried chicken, and another platter of roast beef or ham, and a big bowl of mashed potatoes and a gravy boat, and everyone in our group sits around one big table and we just pass the food around and you get what you want and pass it on like you do when you eat with your family at Thanksgiving or something like that. You also get homemade biscuits, green beans, corn, pinto beans, homemade cinnamon apple butter (everything is homemade, I'm just not saying it in front of every single word), sweet tea, lemonade, coffee, and cobbler for dessert! You get all of this for about $13 which even includes the tax! It is so worth it. And after all that hiking, you will definitely be able to eat your money's worth. The food is so good!
Oh, and the weather is so right for this. It's not supposed to rain, and it's going to be in the 70's all afternoon. Perfect.
So bring a friend and meet us at the campus house at 12 Noon this Friday (October 9), and bring your car if you have one and don't mind driving. We might need it for the carpool.
Don't forget to bring some water with you for the trail, and wear your hiking boots or something comfortable for hiking. (Flip flops are definitely not recommended for this trip.) Also, don't forget to bring money for the meal at The Homeplace restaurant.
Hope to see you at Noon, Friday.
Here's directions to the campus house in case you need them:
Probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps. You'll see that our campus house is only about a block away from most of the dorms on campus, over by the Washington Street tennis courts. It's much closer than most of your classes!
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
Here's the plan: We meet at the campus house at Noon and carpool to Dragon's Tooth trail about 30 minutes from here. We take about 1 1/2 hours to hike up the trail to the top where these huge white limestone slabs of rock are sticking straight up out of the ground about 40 feet into the air. They really do look like huge dragon teeth. You can climb around on them if you are careful, which is really fun. The view is fantastic -- miles and miles in many directions, especially this time of year, of course. We usually spend about a half hour climbing around on the rocks up there at the top and enjoying the view before heading back down the trail.
The hike is not too hard and not too easy. It's just right. You don't have to be in great shape -- it's only about a 3 hour hike round trip -- but it's not just some level, boring trail either. You are hiking up a mountain and you are going to be rewarded with a mountain top experience once you get there.
By the time we finish hiking back down the mountain you will have built up a big appetite. Perfect, because we are going to drive about 5 minutes over to The Homeplace restaurant and eat our money's worth of all-you-can-eat delicious homemade food served family style. That means they bring out a big platter of fried chicken, and another platter of roast beef or ham, and a big bowl of mashed potatoes and a gravy boat, and everyone in our group sits around one big table and we just pass the food around and you get what you want and pass it on like you do when you eat with your family at Thanksgiving or something like that. You also get homemade biscuits, green beans, corn, pinto beans, homemade cinnamon apple butter (everything is homemade, I'm just not saying it in front of every single word), sweet tea, lemonade, coffee, and cobbler for dessert! You get all of this for about $13 which even includes the tax! It is so worth it. And after all that hiking, you will definitely be able to eat your money's worth. The food is so good!
Oh, and the weather is so right for this. It's not supposed to rain, and it's going to be in the 70's all afternoon. Perfect.
So bring a friend and meet us at the campus house at 12 Noon this Friday (October 9), and bring your car if you have one and don't mind driving. We might need it for the carpool.
Don't forget to bring some water with you for the trail, and wear your hiking boots or something comfortable for hiking. (Flip flops are definitely not recommended for this trip.) Also, don't forget to bring money for the meal at The Homeplace restaurant.
Hope to see you at Noon, Friday.
Here's directions to the campus house in case you need them:
Probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps. You'll see that our campus house is only about a block away from most of the dorms on campus, over by the Washington Street tennis courts. It's much closer than most of your classes!
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Have you ever asked that question? Probably just about everybody has at some point in their life. But did you get any good answers?
There are good answers to that question. Some people have never heard them because they haven't asked the right people. But even if they have asked the right people and gotten some good answers, they were probably still left with some lingering question marks in their mind. That's because this question of suffering is one of those very big questions in life that goes to the very heart of what life is all about and what our purpose in life is and why we are here, so the subject is so vast, you can't possibly expect to sum it all up in 5 minutes or less, or even several hours. So does that mean we shouldn't even try to answer these questions? Of course not. That would be foolish. The most important questions in life are exactly the ones we should invest the most time into seeking answers to.
Tonight you will have an opportunity to spend about a half hour getting some of the best answers you can get (in such a limited time) to some of those most important questions.
Seek the answers with us. Seek them for your own good -- if you don't feel the need for them now, there's no doubt the time will come soon enough when suffering will enter your life and you will feel the need for them then. Be prepared. Seek them for the sake of your friends, too -- you may be the only one some of them know who could give them a good answer, a biblical answer, a true answer. Are you ready to rise to the occasion when you are called on to do so? It may be you who God wants to work through to meet that desperate need for hope in a hurting friend's life some day, sooner or later.
Answers and exploration at Oasis, 7:30pm tonight (Wednesday).
If you need directions to our campus house, probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps. You'll see that our campus house is only about a block away from most of the dorms on campus, over by the Washington Street tennis courts. It's much closer than most of your classes!
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
It all starts at 7:30pm tonight, and every Wednesday (during the semester).
Check out our schedule of other upcoming events below.
Hope to see you soon,
There are good answers to that question. Some people have never heard them because they haven't asked the right people. But even if they have asked the right people and gotten some good answers, they were probably still left with some lingering question marks in their mind. That's because this question of suffering is one of those very big questions in life that goes to the very heart of what life is all about and what our purpose in life is and why we are here, so the subject is so vast, you can't possibly expect to sum it all up in 5 minutes or less, or even several hours. So does that mean we shouldn't even try to answer these questions? Of course not. That would be foolish. The most important questions in life are exactly the ones we should invest the most time into seeking answers to.
Tonight you will have an opportunity to spend about a half hour getting some of the best answers you can get (in such a limited time) to some of those most important questions.
Seek the answers with us. Seek them for your own good -- if you don't feel the need for them now, there's no doubt the time will come soon enough when suffering will enter your life and you will feel the need for them then. Be prepared. Seek them for the sake of your friends, too -- you may be the only one some of them know who could give them a good answer, a biblical answer, a true answer. Are you ready to rise to the occasion when you are called on to do so? It may be you who God wants to work through to meet that desperate need for hope in a hurting friend's life some day, sooner or later.
Answers and exploration at Oasis, 7:30pm tonight (Wednesday).
If you need directions to our campus house, probably the best way to get them is to type "413 West Clay St., Blacksburg, VA" into Google maps. You'll see that our campus house is only about a block away from most of the dorms on campus, over by the Washington Street tennis courts. It's much closer than most of your classes!
If you are walking from on campus, do this: When you are standing on Washington Street between O'Shaughnessy (O'Shag) Hall and Johnson Hall you are only one short block away. Cross to the other side of the street and take the sidewalk up the hill towards VT's Cranwell International Center. (You will see a sign for Cranwell on Washington St.) VT's Tennis Courts will be on your right. As you are walking up the hill veer to your left off of the sidewalk and walk up the grassy hill. (Veer left before you get to the chain link fence with all the vines growing on it. We are on the other side of that fence.) You will see the campus house facing you. It's a two story red brick house with a big front porch and a banner on the balcony railing that says "Christ's Church @ VT Campus Ministry" -- so you'll know you found the right place once you get here! It's really pretty simple, but feel free to call me if you have any trouble: 540-552-8292.
It all starts at 7:30pm tonight, and every Wednesday (during the semester).
Check out our schedule of other upcoming events below.
Hope to see you soon,
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