If you are new to VT, we want you to know you are welcome to make CCVT campus ministry your home away from home, just like hundreds of students have before you. You see, CCVT is more than just another student organization, or place to go to church. For years, CCVT has been a place where students build some of the best friendships they have ever had with other Christian students, and in the process get the support we all need to make the adjustment to college life and get the most out of our college years. We don't just "clock-in, and clock-out" of church. We take the time to really care about each other and build one another up in the faith and in our walk with God. We want to do that for you, too, and we hope you will be willing to be a good friend to us, as well.
Since that is such a big part of what we are all about, we do a lot of fun events together, especially at the beginning of the school year, so we can all meet each other and get to know one another. Below is a list of the events we have planned for the beginning of the fall semester. Please make a note of these on your Google Calendar, Outlook, or whatever you use, and make plans to join us. We are really looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you.
Also, don't forget to join us Sunday mornings at 11am at our campus house for our weekly worship service called "Oasis".
Hope to see you soon. Here's what's coming up:
Aug. 26, Thursday -- Dinner at Steve and Stacey's house. Space is limited so, sorry, but this is by invitation only. Are you one of the lucky ones?
Aug. 27, Friday, 3-8pm -- Gobblerfest/Student Organization Showcase around Squires Student Center (Come see us at our display)
Aug. 28, Saturday, 5pm -- Core Group Team meeting (CCVT's student leadership team)
Aug. 28, Saturday, 7pm -- Scavenger Hunt -- Indiana Jones style, at the campus house.
Aug. 29, Sunday, 11am -- Oasis Worship, at the campus house.
Aug. 29, Sunday, after Oasis -- free home cooked dinner!
Aug. 30, Monday through Sept. 2, Thursday -- "Gel Groups" (our small group Bible studies) kickoff. Details TBA.
Aug. 31, Tuesday, 7:30pm -- Worship Team meeting
Sept. 3, Friday, 5pm --Mini-golf, then out to eat. Meet at the campus house.
Sept. 5, Sunday, 11am -- Oasis Worship, at the campus house.
Sept. 6, Monday, Labor Day, 8pm -- Football Party at the campus house. VT vs. Boise State in D.C., televised on ESPN.
We make followers of Jesus and help his followers grow

Christ’s Church at Virginia Tech campus ministry
is a non-denominational Christian community of students who:
--believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
--believe the Bible is the infallible Word of the one and only true God, and therefore embrace it as our first & final authority for faith & practice as it contains all the truth needed for salvation and living in Christ. (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12)
--strive to put our faith in action, to keep growing in our knowledge and love for God, and to transform our world by living as Jesus lived. (James 2:14-26, Colossians 1:9-12, Romans 12:1-2)
--believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
--believe the Bible is the infallible Word of the one and only true God, and therefore embrace it as our first & final authority for faith & practice as it contains all the truth needed for salvation and living in Christ. (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12)
--strive to put our faith in action, to keep growing in our knowledge and love for God, and to transform our world by living as Jesus lived. (James 2:14-26, Colossians 1:9-12, Romans 12:1-2)
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." -- Isaiah 40:8