Hey guys,
Hope you are getting a chance to enjoy the great weather out there this afternoon.
Hope you are planning on joining us for our first Guys' Gel Group of the semester, too. We are kicking it off tonight (and meeting every Monday night) at 7:30pm at the campus house.
This semester we'll be studying the parables of Jesus, but as many of you know, Gel Group is about much more than just learning some more things about the Bible. What good is more information about the Bible if we are not applying what we already know to our lives? What is most important is that we live out the kind of lives God wants us to, and one of the best things we can do to help ourselves do that is have some good solid friends who are trying to do the same thing, so we can support each other and help each other stay on track.
The Bible says, "Bad company corrupts good character." The opposite is also true: Good company promotes good character. When we take the time to invest in building good friendships with other guys who are trying to follow God, we will not only avoid some of the bad influences we otherwise might have surrounded ourselves with, we will also find that we are picking up some great attributes from the character strengths of they guys we hang out with. That is what I know can happen through Guys Gel Group, and I want you to be a part of it.
I hope you will make time in your busy schedule to be a part of Guys' Gel Group, not only because I believe it will be an even bigger blessing for you than you expected, but also because the other guys in the group need what God can give them through you. If you can feasibly make it on Monday nights, I encourage you to pray and ask God if he would like to use you to be a blessing to some other guys through this group, and be blessed yourself, too.
By the way, if you have some female friends who would be interested in something like this, too, our Girls' Gel Group meets every Sunday night at 7pm at the campus house. They are more than welcome to join the girls then.
Hope to see you tonight.
We make followers of Jesus and help his followers grow
Christ’s Church at Virginia Tech campus ministry
is a non-denominational Christian community of students who:
--believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
--believe the Bible is the infallible Word of the one and only true God, and therefore embrace it as our first & final authority for faith & practice as it contains all the truth needed for salvation and living in Christ. (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12)
--strive to put our faith in action, to keep growing in our knowledge and love for God, and to transform our world by living as Jesus lived. (James 2:14-26, Colossians 1:9-12, Romans 12:1-2)
--believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
--believe the Bible is the infallible Word of the one and only true God, and therefore embrace it as our first & final authority for faith & practice as it contains all the truth needed for salvation and living in Christ. (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12)
--strive to put our faith in action, to keep growing in our knowledge and love for God, and to transform our world by living as Jesus lived. (James 2:14-26, Colossians 1:9-12, Romans 12:1-2)
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." -- Isaiah 40:8