CCVT's weekly "Oasis" worship is moving from Sunday mornings to Wednesday nights at 7:15pm. We'll still be meeting in the campus house. Our first Oasis will be August 24, during the first week of classes.
Based on input from CCVT's staff and students, and taking many factors into account, CCVT's Board of Directors made the decision to move Oasis back to Wednesday nights for this year. There are many advantages and disadvantages to either meeting time, but for this year, the facts pointed to Wednesday nights as the best time for CCVT's Oasis. The decision has broad and overwhelming support from the students currently involved in CCVT. We are grateful to God for the strong unity around this decision.
Of course, we still want to encourage students to attend church on Sunday mornings. Many of us will be attending various churches in Blacksburg or Christiansburg and you would be more than welcome to join us.
If you have any questions, please let me know. In the meantime, be planning to join us on Wednesday nights at 7:15 at CCVT's campus house.
See you soon!