We'll have turkey, of course, with stuffing, potatoes and gravy, spoonbread, biscuits, green beans, corn, roasted carrots, sweet potato casserole, mac 'n cheese, cranberry sauce or cranberry relish, Jello salad, pumpkin or sweet potato pie, apple pie, and more!
Besides enjoying a delicious meal together, we'll take a little time to praise God by sharing with each other what we are most thankful to God for this past year. Afterward, we may watch a movie or play some games, or maybe both.
This is an old CCVT tradition and it's always so much fun to share a big, traditional Thanksgiving dinner together, and the food is always delicious! So don't miss out. Make plans to come join us.
6pm, Friday, Nov. 9 at the campus house.
Looking forward to giving thanks to God with you,
This is an old CCVT tradition and it's always so much fun to share a big, traditional Thanksgiving dinner together, and the food is always delicious! So don't miss out. Make plans to come join us.
6pm, Friday, Nov. 9 at the campus house.
Looking forward to giving thanks to God with you,