The most concise way I know how to give you an idea of what CCVT is all about is to say: CCVT believes that God is real, the Bible is true, and Jesus in alive! We are a Bible believing group of students saved by grace and striving to love God and love people more and more.
We often dive deep into God's Word to mine the deep spiritual truths to apply to our lives, but we also know how to laugh and have a good time. We do a lot of all of those things around here.
I want you to know you are welcome to make CCVT campus ministry your "home away from home" during your years here at Tech, like so many students have before you. You see, CCVT is more than just another student organization, or place to go to church. For years, CCVT has been a place where students build some of the best friendships they have ever had with other Christian students, and in the process get the support we all need to make the adjustment to college life and get the most out of our college years. We don't just "clock-in, and clock-out" of church. We take the time to really care about each other and build one another up in the faith and in our walk with God. We want to do that for you, too, and we hope you will be a good friend to us, as well.
Since that is such a big part of who we are, we do a lot of fun events together, especially at the beginning of the school year, so we can all meet each other and get to know one another. Below is a list of the events we have planned for the beginning of the fall semester. Please make a note of these on your calendar and make plans to join us. We are really looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you.
Also, don't forget to join us Wednesday nights at 7:15pm at our campus house (over by the dorms, one block over from Washington St., by the tennis courts) for our main weekly meeting called "Oasis".
We also have small group Bible studies at various times during the week.
Hope to see you soon. Here's what's coming up. (All these events are FREE and happen at our campus house.)
Thursday, Aug. 22, 7pm -- Welcome Get Together -- When you're done eating your first meal in the dining halls on the meal plan, walk on over to our campus house for some informal volleyball, popsicles, and snacks, and make some new friends. Just a laid back time to meet some of the students and staff in our campus ministry and maybe find your spiritual "home away from home" for your time at VT.
Kind of like an Open House, but more fun. More like a Cookout, but not as much food.
Friday, Aug. 23, 4pm -- Pizza Party -- Come join us for some laid back fun playing a few games, enjoying some free pizza, and making new friends. Some of the games you've probably played before, like corn hole and volleyball. Others will probably be new and novel to you, and we think you'll have a lot of fun learning how to play them and making some more friends in the process. No special athletic ability required.
Saturday, Aug. 24, 11am -- Pancake Brunch -- Flapjacks, griddle cakes, hotcakes, or pancakes -- call them what you will, we will have them homemade, hot off the griddle, and in abundance Saturday morning, complete with pretty much whatever you might want on top -- strawberry syrup, blueberry syrup, butter pecan syrup, honey creme syrup, and oh ya, maple syrup. Almost forgot. We'll have sausage and juice, too, of course. Come on over and get to know your new friends at CCVT a little better. And feel free to bring a friend.
Sunday, Aug. 25, 10:15am -- Catch a ride to church with us! We'll meet at our campus house and carpool to Belmont Christian Church. We'll even have some fruit, donuts, or something for you to snack on while we wait for everyone to arrive. Bring some lunch money along, too, if you want to go out to eat for lunch with us. We can drop you off on campus if you'd rather eat on campus or just go back to your dorm.
Monday, Aug. 26, 7:15pm -- Guys' Bible Study -- just a bunch of Bible believing guys getting together to pray for each other and study God's word. Come join us!
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 6:15pm -- Spaghetti Dinner before Oasis -- Yeah, we like food at CCVT campus ministry, but more than that, we love people. And sitting down to enjoy some good spaghetti together is a good way to get to know each other. So please come join us for some great homemade spaghetti and garlic bread, and make some new friends in the process. Afterwards, at 7:15pm, you can join us for our main weekly Bible Study we like to call "Oasis."
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 7:15pm -- Oasis -- "Oasis" is CCVT's main weekly gathering dedicated to Bible Study, group discussion, sharing with friends, & prayer. Invite your friends and come join us!
Friday, Aug. 30, 8pm -- Build Your Own Sundae party -- This Friday night you are the master of your own sweet icy treat destiny! You choose your ice cream flavors. You choose your toppings -- will it be hot fudge, caramel, strawberry? Do you want whipped cream on that? Cherry on top, or no cherry? And no one can tell you whether to split your banana lengthwise or in slices, because YOU are the MASTER ARCHITECT of your own ice cream sundae! Can you feel the exhilaration already? Can you feel the anticipation building?
So save some room for dessert when you eat supper Friday, and then mosey on over to CCVT's campus house about 8pm and we'll play a few games and exercise our culinary creativity seeing what kind of ice cream sundae masterpieces we can conjure up.
Saturday, Aug. 31, 5:15pm -- Football Party for Alabama vs. VT -- Come watch the game with us on our 84 inch screen and enjoy some good "football food" with us, too. Feel free to bring a friend.
Sunday, Sept. 1, 10:15am -- Catch a ride to church with us -- Fresh fruit and donuts at the Campus House again, then carpool to Belmont Christian Church. We'll probably go out for lunch together again, too.
Sunday, Sept. 1, 7pm -- Girls' Bible Study -- a very friendly group of girls that excels at supporting one another while applying God's word to their lives. Always open to new members joining.
Monday, Sept. 2, 7:15pm -- Guys' Bible Study -- every week.
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 7:15pm -- Oasis -- every week.
Like I said, all these events will be, or at least begin, at our campus house over by the dorms, one block over from Washington St., by the tennis courts. For most of you, it's even closer than your classes! For a map & simple directions, just look on the top right side of your screen.
Let me know if you have any questions. I'd be glad to try to answer them.
Thanks. I hope to meet you soon!
Steve Wilkin
Campus Minister