Hey CCVTers, hope you are having a good week.
Don't forget, this Saturday, April 11, starting at 10am we will be having a Spring Cleaning Day at CCVT's campus house. There is some yard work that needs to be done, as well as some indoor cleaning to do, so no matter which kind you prefer, we've got a project for you.
The weather forecast is shaping up to be perfect! God is really blessing us with some awesome weather. It's going to be sunny and in the 50's while we are working, with a gentle breeze, and low humidity. Perfect for working outside, or inside with the windows open!
Can we count on you to help? It's a great service opportunity in the spirit of "ut prosim". Plus you will have the satisfaction of a job well done which you'll get to see every time you come to the campus house, and you'll be helping the Lord's work, which is the most important work you can possibly help, and "great will be your reward in heaven", right?
We'll meet at the campus house at 10am to start divvying out the assignments.
When we finish our projects we'll enjoy some pizza together -- a well deserved reward for your hard work. I'm thinking we'll be done by 2pm if not sooner.
Hey, even cleaning can be fun when you are doing it with friends, and as they say, "Many hands make light work", so I hope you will come join us Saturday for some good fellowship and service time with your CCVT friends.
We'll meet at the campus house at 10am to start divvying out the assignments.
When we finish our projects we'll enjoy some pizza together -- a well deserved reward for your hard work. I'm thinking we'll be done by 2pm if not sooner.
Hey, even cleaning can be fun when you are doing it with friends, and as they say, "Many hands make light work", so I hope you will come join us Saturday for some good fellowship and service time with your CCVT friends.
See you Saturday morning.