Hey Ladies!
You are beautiful!!! I know this --
I might have never met you in person yet --
but I know this! D
o you know this??? I hope you do! "You are fearfully and wonderfully made"(Psalm 139) and you are beautiful because the Creator "knit you together" even before you were born and He is the Master Artist! No one and nothing can ever change this beauty bestowed on you -- He made you and because of this, you are beautiful!
This is Stacey from Christ's Church at VT Campus Ministry and I want to invite you to our next WOW! -- Women of the Word Bible Study. We meet each Sunday Night at 7pm at CCVT's Campus House during the Fall Semester.
Things you might want to know about this study:
1) We are a friendly group! And we really want you to be there! And we will miss you if you don't come! Remember: Sundays at 7!
2) You don't have to know a lot about the Bible to come, in fact, you don't have to own a Bible -- we can give you one! We are all learning together and that's what makes it so much fun as we support each other and spur each other on to grow up and become more like our Savior, God's only Son - Jesus. Jesus gave His very life for us to set us free from sin and death -- He showed us how to live, and love and even die because of His great love! And because of His sacrifice we can have a new start and a new life in Him today and forever!
3) We do a lot of sharing and encouraging in this group, and this is really good because God didn't mean for us to go it alone -- we need each other and God can teach us so much through each other as we share our lives, experiences and challenges.
4) Sharing is important -- but what we value most is -- God's Word because this is God's love letter to us! And who doesn't like a love letter?? God is the one that loves us most and so His love letter to us -- the Bible -- is what we major on in the WOW Bible study!
We really hope to see you this SUNDAY!
Stacey Wilkin