The day has almost arrived. Tomorrow, Friday, we carpool to Roanoke to watch VT's ice hockey team beat Maryland.
Earlier this week I promised to send you more details as we got closer to the day. Here they are:
Tickets are FREE with a valid Hokie Passport, and only $5 for anybody else!
We are meeting at the campus house at 6:30pm to carpool there.
While we are up in Roanoke we thought it would be fun to go to one of the restaurants up there that we don't have in the New River Valley -- a really good one with great food in generous servings at a great price. We're talking aboutCheddar's. After the game we'll stop by there on the way home and enjoy some appetizers, dessert, or if past experience is any indicator, a whole entree. So bring some cash, a credit card, or something to pay for your food, because I'm not sure they will accept Hokie Passport up there. (I know, feels like you're leaving the country, right?)
Oh, and don't forget to wear your Hokie apparel to cheer on our Hokie hockey team!
Be sure to invite your friends. Let's bring a big group of Hokie fans to support our home team!
See you 6:30pm this Friday at the campus house.