Just want to let you know what CCVT has in store for the first couple weeks of the new semester!
Wednesday, Jan. 21, 7:15pm -- Oasis Bible study -- We kick the semester off with our main weekly Bible study studying thru the gospel of Luke. This has been one of my favorite studies we've ever done!
Friday, Jan. 23, 6:30pm -- VT Ice Hockey vs. Maryland -- This is going to be so much fun! Meet at our campus house at 6:30 and we'll carpool to the game in Roanoke. Make sure you have your Hokie passport with you so you can get into the game for free. Those interested will hit Cheddar's (the restaurant) on the way home.
Sunday, Jan. 25, 10:30am -- Catch a ride to church -- Meet at the campus house to carpool to Belmont Christian Church. Contemporary style worship.
Sunday, Jan. 25, 7pm -- Women of the Word Bible study kicks off at the campus house.
Monday, Jan. 26, 7:15pm -- Men of God Bible study kicks off at the campus house.
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 7:15pm -- Oasis Bible study
Sunday, Feb. 1, 10:30am -- Carpool to church
Sunday, Feb. 1, 6pm -- Super Bowl Party -- complete with "football food," and we'll even have a little football throwing accuracy competition (participation optional)
I'll email you with the details of the ice hockey outing and the Super Bowl party a day or two before those, but we just wanted to let you know about them in advance so you can mark your calendar and invite your friends to join us.
If you weren't able to join us for the Bible studies or anything last semester, what better time than the beginning of a new semester to begin a new habit? All of the groups are very friendly and open to new people and we'd love to have you join us. Seriously. Come on out and give it a try. You'll never know what you were missing until you give it a try.
Hope to see you soon!